Flirting Day & Night Chapter 3: I Saw You with Another Man

After finishing her preparations, Jian Mi took a car and arrived at the Xing family’s old mansion. There were already many cars parked at the entrance, indicating that a lot of people had arrived.

Xing Lao Ye, the patriarch, had a total of six children. Among these six, except for Xing Zheng, the others were all married and established, so it was natural that there would be a good number of people attending this event.

The person at the gate recognized Jian Mi, so they didn’t stop her.

Jian Mi glanced around the hall but didn’t see Xing Zixu. She then proceeded confidently towards his room.

Before she could get close, she heard the laughter of a woman coming from inside.

“Hey, you’re making me so itchy.”

“Who was the one asking me to be rougher last night? Now you can’t handle this little bit of force?”

The conversation inside the room was unbearable to hear. Jian Mi raised her hand and knocked on the door. “Zixu, are you in there?”

The room fell silent instantly. After a moment, the door opened and Xing Zixu hurriedly came out. “Mi Mi, you’re here. Why didn’t you tell me in advance? I could have come down to pick you up.”

Jian Mi smiled playfully. “It’s okay. Who is in the room with you?”

“This is Dou Jingya, the sister of our neighbor. You can call her Xiaoya. Xiaoya, this is Jian Mi.”

Jian Mi naturally knew her. After all, this woman somehow got hold of her phone number and often sent her some provocative chat records.

Jian Mi didn’t pay much attention to these low-level provocations. She even had to thank Dou Jingya because if it weren’t for her, she wouldn’t have known that Xing Zixu had such poor taste.

But Jian Mi didn’t show any of this. Instead, she smiled gently at Dou Jingya, displaying a sweet and obedient demeanor. “Nice to meet you.”

Dou Jingya looked at her with a hint of disdain in her voice. “So, Zixu, this is the girlfriend you mentioned. She looks familiar to me.”

As she spoke, Dou Jingya walked towards Jian Mi and whispered in her ear, a voice only audible to the two of them, “I saw you with another man in a hotel room last night. I wonder if I should tell Zixu?”

Jian Mi glanced at Dou Jingya with indifference, unaffected by her smugness.

Dou Jingya continued, “Zixu and I have been together for a long time. Every time he says he’s on a business trip, he’s actually coming to see me. He doesn’t stay overnight at your place because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings? Ha, it’s because he’s with me every night!”

“The Xing family is not a place you can just enter. I’ll give you the time it takes to finish a meal. I advise you to take care of yourself and leave, or else I’ll expose your affair to the world!”

After Dou Jingya finished speaking, she arrogantly turned and walked away.

Jian Mi watched as she moved farther away, her eyes gradually growing colder. She took out her phone and dialed a series of numbers. “It’s time for you to make an appearance. Do as I told you before, and you won’t be short of money.”

After finishing the call, Jian Mi hung up and turned to leave. But unexpectedly, she bumped into a solid chest.

(End of this chapter)

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