Flirting Day & Night Chapter 4: Last Night’s Uncontrollable Passion

Jian Mi was taken aback. She hadn’t even heard any footsteps. Was her phone call overheard? She slowly looked up, her expression momentarily tense. But when she saw Xing Zheng’s cold and frosty handsome face, a hint of a smile appeared on her face. “Uncle, is eavesdropping on other people’s phone calls fun?”

Xing Zheng’s expression became clear. “This is my place. Do I need to eavesdrop? But what about you? What secret activities are you engaged in?”

Jian Mi smiled faintly, her peach blossom eyes filled with affection, carrying a hint of seductiveness. “I’m really being wrongly accused. It’s that Dou Jingya. She claims to have seen us together last night and intends to report me. Uncle, don’t you plan to help me?”

As she spoke, Jian Mi extended her slender and fair fingers, landing on the man’s collar and gently pulling it aside, revealing the teeth marks underneath. “After all, Uncle, you couldn’t control your emotions last night.”

A fleeting hint of imperceptible amusement flashed through Xing Zheng’s narrowed eyes. “A night as husband and wife creates a bond. I will definitely help you.”

Jian Mi couldn’t help but feel that the man wasn’t so kind-hearted. But at this moment, a servant came over to deliver a message that the banquet had started. Jian Mi couldn’t say much more.

Jian Mi walked towards the dining table, and Dou Jingya took a seat on Xing Zixu’s left side. She glanced provocatively at Jian Mi and said, “Sister, I want to catch up with Zixu. It would be more convenient if I sit next to him. You don’t mind, do you?”

Xing Zixu seemed to have accepted this arrangement by default and gestured towards the seat across from him. “You can sit there.”

It appeared that there was no need to avoid such matters on this occasion.

Jian Mi lowered her gaze and obediently nodded. “Alright.”

To her surprise, the seat next to her was occupied by Xing Zheng.

The man was impeccably dressed, with deep and captivating features. His cold and indifferent slanted eyes held a hint of hidden secrets.

After Jian Mi settled down, Grandpa Lu entered the room at a leisurely pace.

Grandpa Lu, now in his seventies, still exuded strength and vitality. In his younger days, he had married three wives and fathered five children. Xing Zheng was rumored to be Grandpa Lu’s illegitimate child, and his mother had never been officially welcomed into the family.

Jian Mi speculated that this might be one of the reasons why Xing Zheng and Grandpa Lu had a strained relationship.

With Grandpa Lu’s arrival, the banquet officially commenced.

Dou Jingya stood up with her drink and smiled at Grandpa Xing. “Grandpa, I’m using tea instead of wine today. I’ll raise a toast to you. I’ve been wanting to see you for a while, but I haven’t found a suitable opportunity. Today, I definitely want to catch up with you, Grandpa.”

Grandpa Xing nodded, a smile appearing on his face. “You’re thoughtful.”

Dou Jingya acted coquettishly. “Grandpa is always so good to me. It’s only natural. I will definitely be a filial granddaughter.”

Xing Zixu’s aunt, Xing Caiwei, smiled and said, “Xiaoya knows how to speak. Whoever marries you will truly be fortunate.”

Dou Jingya blushed and glanced at Xing Zixu. “Aunt is joking. With my looks, who would want me?”

Xing Caiwei immediately said, “Zixu, you and her get along so well. You’ve known each other since childhood. You’re a perfect match.”

Dou Jingya raised her gaze and looked at Jian Mi, her eyes filled with provocation. “I’m afraid Jian Mi wouldn’t agree.”

After Dou Jingya said this, Xing Caiwei seemed to realize that Xing Zixu’s official girlfriend was still present, but there was no hint of discomfort on her face.

“What’s the problem with that? Men have had multiple wives and concubines throughout history. Even if you only marry one, it can be more troublesome to fool around outside. It’s better to marry a few more and be content,” Xing Caiwei said.

Jian Mi couldn’t help but feel impressed by Xing Caiwei’s boldness. How could she confidently utter such words as a woman? Did she undergo ten years of brain thrombosis?

Since Jian Mi was mentioned, she felt compelled to express her opinion.

She looked at Xing Zixu and asked, “What do you think?”

(End of this chapter)

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