Flirting Day & Night Chapter 5: Teeth Marks on the Collar

Xing Zixu smiled and said, “Auntie is just joking.”

With a casual remark, he dismissed the whole matter, not even daring to make a false promise.

Dou Jingya raised an eyebrow and turned to Grandpa Xing. “Grandpa, I just returned from abroad, and I’m not familiar with the domestic company operations. I want to work as Xixu’s secretary in the company to gain some experience. Can I?”

Grandpa Xing replied, “Wouldn’t that be underutilizing your talents?”

“As long as I can help Xixu, I don’t care about anything else.”

“Then go ahead. If you have any questions, ask Zixu.”

Dou Jingya looked triumphant. “Thank you, Grandpa!”

Xing Caiwei nodded. “Xiaoya is indeed a good girl. She knows how to share the burden with you, Xixu. Jian Mi definitely won’t mind. Women in the Xing family have a broad mind.”

Finally, Grandpa Xing spoke up. “Jian Mi, how are things between you and Zixu?”

The topic once again shifted to Jian Mi. Grandpa Xing continued, “You’ve been together for a year now. It’s time to have a child. Zixu is my most valued grandson, and the future family business will be passed down to him. If you want to become the mistress of this family, you naturally have to take on the responsibility of bearing children and producing the next heir.”

Jian Mi inwardly sneered.

He didn’t mention marriage, but every word revolved around bearing children.

Although Grandpa Xing didn’t explicitly say it, the implication was clear. In order to become the mistress of the Xing family, she had to give birth to a male child for the Xing family’s husband.

No wonder Dou Jingya was so proud and constantly provoking her in front of everyone.

If she were to give birth to a male child, then she would become the mistress of this family.

It was ironic that with so many people present, not a single person came forward to refute or question Grandpa Xing’s absurd statement. They all seemed to accept it as the truth.

Suddenly, Xing Zheng’s voice, cold and mixed with a lazy tone, came from beside them. “Can we just eat our meal in peace? Are you done yet?”

Grandpa Xing’s eyebrows furrowed, and he angrily slapped the table. “How dare you speak to your father like that!”

Xing Zheng sneered. “If you don’t like how I speak, then don’t ask me to come back. I don’t care.”

Grandpa Xing’s face grew even darker. At this moment, Xing Caiwei hurriedly stepped in to defuse the situation. “Dad, calm down. Xing Zheng just came back. It’s rare for everyone to gather together for a meal. Let’s not ruin the atmosphere… Zixu, come and raise a toast to your uncle!”

Xing Zixu stood up calmly and reluctantly approached Xing Zheng with a glass in hand. “Uncle, I raise this glass to you.”

Xing Zheng drank his wine without showing any appreciation.

Xing Zixu had never liked this man. He was nothing but a lunatic, yet he wanted the whole family to respect him?

What a joke!

Suddenly, Xing Zixu’s eyes caught sight of the teeth marks on the man’s exposed collar, and he exposed the truth directly. “Uncle, everyone says you have no interest in women, but it seems you’re quite promiscuous outside.”

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone’s gaze fell on Xing Zheng, but he seemed unfazed. He calmly took a sip of his red wine.

Xing Caiwei immediately said, “Zixu, please refrain from talking nonsense.”

“I’m not talking nonsense. It appears that Uncle here has been quite adventurous. There are teeth marks left here. Why not bring your wife back another day to meet us?” Xing Zixu retorted.

However, Xing Zheng raised his gaze and looked at Jian Mi beside him with an indifferent expression. He lifted his chin slightly and said, “You can ask her.”

(End of this chapter)

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