Rebirth as the Matriarch of a Noble Family Chapter 8: She Won’t Suffer Anymore

After leaving Anxi Hall, Jing Xiu didn’t return to Qingfeng Garden. She had Zi Yun take the silk rewarded by the Dowager Lady back, while she headed towards the West Garden.

The first and second branches of the family didn’t have separate residences. The first branch lived in the East Garden, while the second branch lived in the West Garden, separated only by a long corridor.

Jing Xiu walked all the way to the Bi Tang Residence where Xu Wanning of the second branch lived. The stewardess went in to announce her arrival. In a moment, Xu Wanning personally came out to welcome Jing Xiu inside.

After exchanging pleasantries, the two proceeded to the main chamber.

Xu Wanning had a son and a daughter. Her eldest son, Kun, was just over three years old, while her daughter, Zhuang, was still under one year old.

The wet nurse was playing with little Zhuang on the couch. The lovely child had a complexion like jade. Standing before the couch, Jing Xiu extended her arms playfully. “Come to Auntie, let Auntie hold you.”

The little one indeed crawled over, clutching Jing Xiu’s clothes to wobble upright before tumbling into her embrace.

Jing Xiu cuddled the child, exclaiming, “What an adorable kid!”

Xu Wanning smiled, “She just likes your bright colors.”

Jing Xiu planted a kiss on Zhuang’s chubby cheeks, laughing, “Already knows beauty at such a young age?”

She doted on the child for a good while before handing her back when Zhuang grew sleepy. The wet nurse took Zhuang for her afternoon nap.

Xu Wanning teased, “You seem to really love children, you should hurry and have your own.”

Jing Xiu wanted that too, but she was helpless when the other party insisted on separate residences.

Though inwardly vexed, she didn’t show it, smiling, “Where do I have Sister-in-law’s good fortune? I’ve only been married for a few years, and you already have both a son and a daughter.”

She then asked, “How come I don’t see Kun around?”

Xu Wanning set down her tea cup, gesturing with a pursed lip towards the residence of her mother-in-law, Lady Guo of the second branch, sighing, “My terrible mother-in-law took him to the Songle Hall.”

Lady Guo was Li Xian’s birth mother. Though the esteemed matriarch of the second branch, she was sharp-tongued and harsh in character, so the relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was never good.

In her past life, Jing Xiu had little interaction with the Duke of Zhen’s Mansion’s various branches, but she had heard of the resentment between these two.

Xu Wanning said, “To be honest, among all the ladies in this mansion, I envy you the most.”

“Elder Sister married into a prestigious family, with both a son and a daughter – how could I possibly compare? What is there for you to envy?”

“Not having that dreadful mother-in-law hovering over you, how peaceful,” Xu Wanning replied candidly.

Though the mother and daughter-in-law didn’t see eye-to-eye, they were still related by marriage. Jing Xiu couldn’t simply agree in criticizing her mother-in-law. She advised, “The Dowager only has one son, who else would she dote on if not all of you? The elderly lady is just strong-willed. Don’t take it to heart, whatever she says.”

Xu Wanning lamented, “I don’t want her doting on me. I just wish she had more sons, so she wouldn’t keep meddling in our affairs.”

“As someone magnanimous, Elder Sister shouldn’t nitpick with the Dowager so much. In the end, you’re the one who will suffer if you keep counting grievances,” Jing Xiu said.

Those words were considerate.

No matter how headstrong Xu Wanning was, she couldn’t defy her mother-in-law’s authority. No matter how unruffled she tried to act, if the Dowager made trouble, Xu Wanning’s days would still be difficult.

“I have already been respectful enough to her, but she…” Xu Wanning choked up, unable to continue.

Jing Xiu patted her hand reassuringly, “Don’t be like this. Whose family life doesn’t have its ups and downs? Sister-in-law, don’t take it to heart or you may worry yourself sick.”

Xu Wanning sniffled and complained, “If it were anyone else, I wouldn’t mind. But she is setting her sights on my son Kun.”

“A few days ago, she summoned my husband and I. First she cried bitterly, saying she dreamed of my late father-in-law and would rather join him in the afterlife than live alone in this world. Hmph! As if we had been unfilial to her – everyone in the capital knows my husband is renowned for being extremely filial. My husband was at a loss with her crying and agreed to let her keep Kun with her to keep her company.”

Dabbing her tears with a handkerchief, Xu Wanning vented angrily, “I knew her intentions – she just wanted to keep Kun by her side from the start. And my foolishly filial husband didn’t consider us ladies’ feelings and simply agreed.”

This Lady Guo was indeed difficult to handle.

Jing Xiu consoled, “The Dowager may return Kun after keeping him for a few days. Just visit him daily and have the nursemaid take good care of him.”

“You’ve just married in and don’t understand my mother-in-law. She’s crafty and has never looked upon me, her daughter-in-law, favorably. Why else would she insist on keeping Kun by her side if not to make me unhappy?”

“Just this morning, I brought Kun’s favorite snacks to visit him. But the servant girls around the Dowager made up all sorts of excuses to block me, saying I couldn’t go in no matter what. You know I couldn’t just barge in. And my husband not only didn’t stand up for me, he told me to calm down, saying there was nothing wrong with Kun staying with his grandmother.”

“If she were a reasonable person like our Ancestress, I wouldn’t mind Kun staying with her. But with her temperament, can you imagine how she might raise my son?” Xu Wanning said through choked sobs.

With Lady Guo’s character, it was indeed unsuitable for young Kun to be raised by her.

Though her birth son, the current Lord was still considered accomplished. He had scored highly in the imperial examinations and with his illustrious Marquis background, he was highly regarded by the Emperor, now serving as the Minister of Revenue at the second official rank. However, he owed his success to being personally mentored by the late Lord Father, not to Lady Guo.

Yet now Lady Guo insisted on keeping her grandson by her side to raise him herself, using her status as a dowager. No wonder Xu Wanning was apprehensive.

Wasn’t this detrimental to the child’s future prospects?

Jing Xiu pondered a moment before smiling faintly and saying slowly, “The young master is still small and at a rambunctious age. Second Uncle passed away early and Second Aunt’s health is poor. If the Dowager insists on keeping the young master by her side, what if the child ends up taxing her body too much?”

She paused meaningfully, “Then the Ancestress may worry again.”

Xu Wanning scoffed, “The Ancestress can’t stand her, how could she…” Halfway through, she looked up at Jing Xiu, “Wait, you mean…”

Jing Xiu hurriedly picked up her tea cup, savoring the brew, “Nothing, this tea Sister-in-law prepared is quite good.”

Xu Wanning’s eyes sparkled as she broke into laughter through her tears. “Look at me, I’ve been so flustered by my mother-in-law and husband.” She looked gratefully at Jing Xiu, chiding playfully, “It’s a good thing you understand.”

Jing Xiu set down her teacup. “Don’t be too anxious yet. Wait a few days before deciding, to avoid giving others something to gossip about.”

“I know.” Xu Wanning gave Jing Xiu a look that said ‘Trust me, I know my limits.’

The two women exchanged a private, knowing smile.

Jing Xiu had returned to Qingfeng Court by noon and customarily took an afternoon nap. Unexpectedly, she slept straight through until evening this time.

As she rose, Zi Yun came in to attend to her, mentioning, “Earlier, the Young Master sent word that he has a social engagement tonight and won’t be back for dinner.”

“I understand,” Jing Xiu replied.

Zi Yun asked, “What would the Young Lady like for dinner tonight? I’ll have the kitchen prepare a couple dishes.”

According to manor rules, the main wife’s dinner consisted of eight dishes: four meat, two vegetable, and two cold appetizers.

From Zi Yun’s tone, since Li Ling wouldn’t be back tonight, they could be more casual and not prepare the full allotment for just Jing Xiu alone.

Alas, she couldn’t blame Zi Yun.

Ever since marrying Li Ling, Jing Xiu had deferred to him in everything, a habit her personal maid had also picked up.

“Prepare dinner as usual, and have the kitchen make two extra desserts.”

She couldn’t eat that much alone. But as the esteemed Marquis Manor, they wouldn’t go broke from her asking for two extra dishes.

Since Li Ling wouldn’t be back, she saw no need to wrong herself either.

“Oh, very well. This servant will inform the kitchen right away.” Zi Yun acknowledged the order and left for the kitchen, inwardly musing:

The Young Lady really has changed from when she first married into the manor. She’s even more self-assured than in her maiden days.

But this wasn’t a bad thing at all.

Zi Yun’s steps unconsciously lightened as she pondered this.

(End of this chapter)

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