Rebirth as the Matriarch of a Noble Family Chapter 13 – Radiance, Brightness

Jing Xiu returned to Qingfeng Garden with the Third Miss. She instructed the maidservants to retrieve the snow silk that Lady Dowager had previously rewarded and also arranged for two pieces of high-quality soft silk from the small storeroom. Together with the Third Miss, they rode in a carriage to the western market.

Upon arriving, the two entered the tailor shop Jing Xiu had mentioned. The female tailor meticulously measured their sizes and helped them choose suitable styles. The process took until noon.

The Third Miss rarely left the estate, and now, amidst the bustling city streets, she was as excited as a newly released bird. She tugged at Jing Xiu’s sleeve and asked, “Sister-in-law, what are they selling over there? So many people are gathered around.”

Jing Xiu glanced in the direction the Third Miss pointed and smiled. “Those are honey-glazed cherries,” she explained. Then she signaled to Zi Yun, instructing her, “Go buy some.”

In a short while, Zi Yun returned with cherries wrapped in oil paper. Jing Xiu unwrapped them, revealing the glossy red cherries coated in honey. Their sweet fragrance filled the air. She handed one to the Third Miss. “This is a popular local dessert. Try it.”

The Third Miss, already curious about this unknown delicacy, took a bite. Her eyes widened in delight. “It’s delicious!” she exclaimed, promptly devouring more.

Watching her eat like an eager kitten, Jing Xiu pointed to the other two packages of honey-glazed cherries Zi Yun carried. “Take your time; there’s plenty more,” she advised.

The Third Miss smiled sweetly at Jing Xiu. “Let’s bring some back for Grandmother to taste.”

Jing Xiu and the Third Miss strolled through the western market. The lively Third Miss found everything novel, and soon Zi Yun and Dan Zhu were laden with parcels of various sizes.

Zi Yun suggested, “Why don’t we return to the carriage to unload our things before continuing?”

The Third Miss’s purchasing power was formidable; they truly couldn’t carry any more. Jing Xiu agreed, and the four of them retraced their steps along the street. Just as they stepped out of a section, they noticed a procession of bright yellow carriages approaching slowly.

The lead guard rode a tall steed, calling out, “Grand Princess is passing through; make way!”

The bustling crowd instinctively moved to the sides of the road. After a while, the procession drew closer. A gilded, gem-encrusted yellow carriage, several yards high, appeared on the once lively street. Two squads of well-trained cavalry led the way, and six teams of embroidered phoenixes adorned the carriage. Following behind were four to five hundred foot guards.

The grandeur and extravagance were unmatched.

“That’s Mother,” the Third Miss said, glancing at Jing Xiu.

Jing Xiu nodded. The two of them waited by the roadside. As the procession approached, the Third Miss called out to the guard riding at the front, “Commander Zhou, where is Mother headed?”

Zhou Ning, recognizing the princess’s beloved daughter, halted the procession and dismounted. He replied, “According to Miss San’s words, Grand Princess is going to the Deer Garden outside the city to escape the summer heat.”

The attendants had already informed the Grand Princess within the carriage. She instructed them to invite the Third Miss and Jing Xiu to the front of the carriage.

An attendant opened the carriage door, lifting the inner curtain halfway. The two women knelt and greeted the Grand Princess “We pay our respects to Mother,” they said.

Grand Princess inquired, “Where are you two going?”

The Third Miss respectfully replied, “Daughter and Sister-in-law just went to the tailor shop to have some clothes made.”

Fuxi nodded slightly, not saying more.

Third Miss asked, “Is mother going to the Deer Park to escape the summer heat?”

The weather was scorching hot. Just now, when the two of them were strolling leisurely, they had maids holding umbrellas over them. But upon meeting the Grand Princess, it was not appropriate to continue using the umbrellas. In the time it took to converse, they were already lightly sweating from the blazing sun.

Fuxi, looking at her daughter and daughter-in-law below the imperial carriage, their cheeks flushed from the heat, asked, “The city has been terribly hot recently, would you like to accompany me to the Deer Park to cool off?”

Third Miss had been to the Deer Park before. Nestled against the mountains and by the water, it was exceptionally cool even during the height of summer, and there were many fun places in the park. Naturally, she was willing to go. However, she had been raised by the old lady since she was young, and given the Grand Princess’s aloof nature, she did not feel close to this princess mother.

The Third Miss wanted to go but felt somewhat uneasy about her mother. This uneasiness was not out of fear of her mother, but rather the awkwardness that came from their estrangement; she always felt uncomfortable in front of her mother.

Seeing her daughter’s interest, Fuxi said, “If you want to go, then get on the carriage.”

She did not respond to her mother but turned to look at Jing Xiu beside her and whispered, “Second sister-in-law, would you come with me?”

Third Miss wanted to go but did not want to be alone with her cold mother. She hoped her gentle sister-in-law Jing Xiu would accompany her.

Jing Xiu also saw her intentions but was concerned that her mother-in-law might not welcome her, the new daughter-in-law. Moreover, it would be inappropriate to take Third Miss to the Deer Park with the Grand Princess without first greeting the old lady and Li Ling.

She replied with a smile, “I’m just worried that grandmother will be concerned if we go like this. How about this: you go with mother first, and after I return home and inform grandmother, we can make plans.”

Third Miss pouted, tugging at Jing Xiu’s sleeve and pleading, “Just have the servants go back and inform them. Please come with me now.”

Jing Xiu was then in a dilemma.

Fuxi saw her daughter being close to someone other than the old lady for the first time, and a hint of softness appeared on her face. She said to the two, “You two go back home together first, inform the old lady and Bo Yue, and I will send someone to pick you up tomorrow to go together.”

Bo Yue was Li Ling’s courtesy name.

Although Fuxi harbored deep resentment towards the Duke of the State, she had great respect for her mother-in-law, Li’s old lady.

She had seen her daughter’s desire to go to the Deer Park and, without much thought, intended to take her directly. It was only after Jing Xiu’s reminder that she realized it was somewhat impolite to take her daughter and the new bride away without first informing the mother-in-law and son.

Third Miss was very satisfied with this arrangement and smiled at the Grand Princess, saying, “That’s also good. Then I will go to the Deer Park with second sister-in-law tomorrow to accompany you.”

The Grand Princess nodded, the inner curtain fell, the imperial carriage started, and the winding, luxurious procession slowly moved forward, gradually disappearing from sight after a while.

In the Great Qi royal family, not all princesses could enjoy the treatment of the Grand Princess. Royal daughters, though noble, often had little happiness in marriage, either being sent away for political alliances or married off to secure the loyalty of ministers.

However, Fuxi, when she married the Duke of Zhen Guo, did so of her own accord. Not only that, but her offerings and provisions far exceeded those of other royal princesses.

Take her travel entourage, for example, its grandeur was second only to the reigning emperor and even surpassed that of the crown prince.

There was a reason why the Grand Princess could enjoy such privileges.

When the former Emperor Wen was still the crown prince, he was over thirty and had yet to produce an heir, leading to rumors of a hidden ailment. Because of this fatal weakness, his position as crown prince was almost lost.

Legend has it that the Grand Emperor Wu had even prepared the edict to change the heir. At this critical juncture, the crown prince’s consort, Lady Wu, was diagnosed with a joyful pulse, and Emperor Wen narrowly retained his position as emperor. Before Empress Wu could give birth, Grand Emperor Wu passed away, and Emperor Wen ascended the throne smoothly.

The child born to Empress Wu was the Grand Princess. Although a daughter, it was indeed because of this eldest daughter that Emperor Wen’s throne was secured.

Emperor Wen thus had a special fondness for this daughter, bestowing the name Fuxi before she was even a month old: Fuxi, meaning auspicious and bright.

This shows the former emperor’s affection for this daughter.

Even more remarkable, after the birth of Fuxi, the Grand Princess, the consorts in the harem began to conceive in succession, and the former emperor’s lineage flourished from then on.

Emperor Wen believed that all this good fortune was brought by his eldest daughter, and his affection for her far exceeded that of his other children.

During Emperor Wen’s lifetime, the Grand Princess enjoyed privileges equal to those of the crown prince.

After Empress Wu’s early demise, with the current Holy Emperor still young, the Grand Princess, relying on the former emperor’s favor and her extraordinary wisdom, navigated the treacherous palace politics to elevate her younger brother, who is now Emperor Ming, to the position of crown prince. Until the former emperor’s death, she overcame all difficulties and obstacles to help her brother secure the throne.

Emperor Ming naturally did not forget his elder sister’s contributions.

Therefore, with the protection and affection of her father and brother, both emperors, the status of Fuxi, the Grand Princess, in Great Qi was unparalleled.

There were even rumors among the people of Great Qi that said: With a wave of the Grand Princess’s sleeve, the Yangtze River would flow backward, and with a stomp of her foot, the imperial court would have to respond thrice.

(End of chapter)

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