Rebirth as the Matriarch of a Noble Family Chapter 24: From Now On, She Must Only Rely on Herself

Taking advantage of the gap, Jing Xiu finally saw clearly, that it was that boatwoman again.

This woman had come here several times, obviously with ill intentions.

Jing Xiu’s mind raced, thinking about how to deal with her.

The boatwoman glanced at the untouched soup bowl set aside and hesitated, “My lady, why haven’t you drunk this ginger tea?”

She must have quietly picked the lock and entered the room, assuming Jing Xiu was fast asleep. Now, seeing her guilty demeanor, it was clear that she had tampered with the soup.

She wanted to drug her!

What did she want to do to her?

Jing Xiu steadied her mind but didn’t immediately call her out. Instead, she used a stalling tactic, “Why haven’t you gone to sleep yet, old woman?”

The boatwoman hemmed and hawed, “I… I was worried about you, my lady, concerned that you wouldn’t sleep well alone here.”

With that, she cast her eyes over Jing Xiu’s body.

Jing Xiu didn’t engage in conversation, instead, she got off the couch, her eyes quickly scanning the surroundings for something to defend herself with.

The boatwoman must have sensed Jing Xiu’s wariness and followed her step by step.

Taking advantage of Jing Xiu’s inattention, she suddenly embraced her. Jing Xiu was startled and exclaimed, “What are you doing?”

The old maid held her tightly and said, “Don’t be afraid, my lady, I am not a bad person, I have absolutely no intention of harming you.”

Jing Xiu struggled and said, “Let go of me, what are you trying to do?”

The old maid, like an old mother dog, sniffed around Jing Xiu, pleading, “My lady, you are so beautiful, please, let me touch you.”

Jing Xiu felt so disgusted that she almost threw up.

She finally understood the boatwoman’s scheme, feeling both ashamed and annoyed, she said sternly, “You old woman must have the gall of a dog to dare to be so rude to me.”

The old woman, accustomed to hard labor, had plenty of brute strength, and no matter how Jing Xiu struggled, she couldn’t break free from her grip. She watched as the old woman reached out with her wrinkled, rough hands, about to slip them into her clothes.

In desperation, Jing Xiu saw the dagger on the clothes rack, which Li Ling had used to butcher fish earlier that day. He had left in such a hurry that it was still there.

Jing Xiu, while struggling with the old woman, strenuously reached for the dagger. She drew the blade and pointed it straight at the old woman’s face, saying sternly, “If you dare to be impertinent again, I will kill you.”

Upon seeing the weapon, the old woman finally became frightened into submission. She saw Jing Xiu holding a dagger, staring intently at her with eyes full of anger, which scared her into immediately kneeling down and begging, “Please spare my life, my lady. I merely coveted your beauty, but I had no intention of harming you. Please, have mercy on me.”

Jing Xiu, holding the dagger in one hand, freed the other hand to untie the cloth that tied the bed curtain, and despite her disgust, firmly tied the old woman’s hands together.

Seeing Jing Xiu act this way, the old woman knew that her life had been spared. She finally relaxed and muttered, “Thank you for your great kindness, my lady. From now on, I am willing to work like an ox or a horse to repay you.”

Eagerly, she looked at Jing Xiu and pleaded, “My lady, please let me stay by your side to serve you. As long as I can stay by your side, I will do anything you ask.”

Jing Xiu could no longer tolerate the old woman. She picked up a cloth from the desk and stuffed it into her mouth, saying angrily, “You want to serve me? I find you repulsive.”

With that, she turned and left the cabin.

She didn’t want to stay there for another moment.

The sky at the water’s edge was dimly lit with the pale light of dawn, and the rain was gradually lessening. A cool breeze from the lake hit her face, and Jing Xiu couldn’t help but shiver.

She walked to the bow and picked up the boat pole, trying to push the boat away.

At first, the boat slid around in the water, not heeding her control.

Jing Xiu struggled to push while trying to figure out the knack for it, and it took a lot of effort before the boat finally responded to her commands.

The early morning wind was harsh and cold, mixing with the rain to soak Jing Xiu’s clothes, but she didn’t care about that anymore. She exerted herself, pushing the boat back.

The memories of her and Li Ling flashed uncontrollably through her mind, one by one.

It was like a dream.

In just over a month, he made her fall in love with him again, but he also let her down again.

She should not have indulged in his tenderness.

In this cold and desolate rain, she came to her senses once more.

From now on, she must rely only on herself!

When the sun peeked out a little, Jing Xiu finally pushed the boat to the shore. Her clothes were already soaked through with rain and sweat, and when she suddenly stopped moving, she felt a bone-chilling cold.

Jing Xiu shivered as she took off her shoes, stepped onto the cold water, and went ashore, heading towards her residence in a bedraggled state.

When Ziyun saw Jing Xiu, she exclaimed in shock, “What happened to you? What’s wrong?”

Jing Xiu didn’t speak and went to the inner room to take off her clothes which were already drenched.

Her face was pale as paper, her body devoid of any warmth, already numb from the cold.

Ziyun couldn’t bother with questions and quickly filled the bathtub with hot water, helping Jing Xiu to sit down in it.

Jing Xiu soaked in the hot water for a good while before she began to feel lively again. She glanced at Ziyun, who wore a worried expression and dared not ask too much, and said to her, “I’m fine, I just got caught in the rain early this morning.”

Ziyun was not convinced.

Just yesterday, her young mistress had happily gone out with the young master, and after one night, she ended up in such a sorry state.

It must have something to do with the young master!

Ziyun remained silent, but her face was extremely grim.

Knowing that Ziyun was not easily fooled, Jing Xiu explained further, “Something happened in the palace yesterday, and the young master had to return to the city. It rained heavily at midnight, so I didn’t come back. I forgot to use an umbrella when I returned early this morning and got caught in the rain.” As she spoke, she looked at Ziyun reassuringly, “I’m unharmed, you don’t need to worry.”

Ziyun’s eyes reddened, but she held back and said, “It’s good that the young mistress is alright.”

Jing Xiu changed into dry sleepwear, and Ziyun helped her into bed, then ordered the kitchen to brew some ginger soup for Jing Xiu to drink.

Seeing Jing Xiu’s pale face finally regain some color, Ziyun felt a bit relieved and advised, “Miss, don’t think about anything, just have a good sleep.”

Jing Xiu nodded. After a night of turmoil, filled with shock, fear, and exhaustion, she snuggled into the warm bedding and fell into a deep sleep.

She slept until noon, when she woke up feeling a tightness in her throat, and Ziyun, feeling her forehead, noticed it was slightly feverish.

Clearly, she was ill.

Ziyun wanted to go find a doctor, but Jing Xiu stopped her.

There were naturally physicians prepared in the garden, but Jing Xiu did not want to alarm others. Having lost her chastity and married into the Zhenguo Duke’s residence, she had already attracted gossip. If this incident were to spread, she wouldn’t be able to live it down.

Even if she was open-minded, she couldn’t withstand the endless idle talk.

The boatwoman would have to be dealt with sooner or later; leaving this wicked woman for the male lead to handle, to avenge his wife.

(End of chapter)

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