Rebirth as the Matriarch of the Noble Family Chapter 26: She Aspires to Become a High-ranking Daughter-in-law Admired by All

Upon hearing that her brother had sent someone to fetch them, the third young lady’s previously cheerful face immediately fell. She unhappily said, “Mother, let Mr. Liang return first. My sister-in-law and I haven’t spent enough time here yet.”

The elder princess naturally didn’t want to part with her daughter and daughter-in-law. However, it was her son and daughter-in-law’s honeymoon period, and they were inseparable. When her son sent someone to fetch them, she, as a mother, couldn’t compete with her son.

“Since Bo Yue has sent someone to fetch you, you should return.”

The third young lady pouted and acted coquettishly, “I still want to stay here and accompany mother.”

She really hadn’t had enough of her stay here. Every day she would enjoy the scenery and have the company of her good-tempered sister-in-law. It was much better than returning to the stifling mansion where rules had to be observed everywhere.

“Your cousin fell ill a few days ago, and I am somewhat worried. Tomorrow, I will also return to the palace.”

The eldest princess was genuinely worried about the ninth princess, but she was even more concerned about her son.

Nowadays, although the crown prince of the Great Qi has been established, he is the son of the late Empress Zhen.

However, the favored concubine, Lady Meng, has never ceased in her aspiration to become the future Empress Dowager.

The palace of the former dynasty is currently rife with intrigue and hidden currents, and the two forces have reached a point of irreconcilable conflict.

Although her son has always been cautious and steady, she fears that he will not be able to control the situation when it involves Qingluan, and may get entangled in it.

The third young lady was unaware of Qingluan being assassinated. She merely became angry when she heard her mother mention Qingluan and said unhappily, “She is indeed a princess, so delicate and precious, she can’t withstand a bit of wind and rain. More than half of the year, she is either suffering from a headache or a fever, unlike us who are tough.”

The eldest princess, aware that her daughter didn’t like Qingluan, advised, “Your cousin’s health has been poor since she was a child. If you don’t feel sorry for her, that’s fine, but you shouldn’t…”

Before the eldest princess could finish her words, the third young lady impatiently interrupted, “She has a grandmother, a mother, and a second brother who love her. Isn’t that enough? Where can she see me, an insignificant person?”

In the entire mansion, she is the only legitimate daughter. In the third young lady’s view, the grandmother, mother, and brother should all love her wholeheartedly. Any other young lady who comes to share the love that rightfully belongs to her is her enemy.

A mother knows her daughter best. The eldest princess understands her daughter too well. The reason why she doesn’t like Qingluan is also because she feels that Qingluan has taken away the love of her family from her. “Qingluan lost her mother at a young age, and our care for her is just the love of relatives. How can she compare with you?”

The third young lady said angrily, “Mother, don’t try to comfort me. I see that you treat her very well.” After saying that, she suddenly remembered something and looked at Jing Xiu and asked, “I say, why hasn’t my second brother come over these two days? It must be because of her, right?”

The third young lady spoke with indignation. ‘Mother, there’s no need to console me. It’s clear to me that everyone favors her.’ She paused, a thought striking her, and turned to Jingshu with a question. ‘Why hasn’t my second brother visited in the last two days? It must be because of her, right?’

Jing Xiu felt a twinge in her heart upon hearing this, her gaze growing heavy. She managed a weak smile and responded, ‘It’s not what you think. Your brother is simply swamped with his responsibilities and cannot visit daily.’

The third young lady, not convinced, pressed on. ‘But why was he here every single day, from morning till night, and we couldn’t send him away? And now, he’s suddenly vanished.’ She glared at her mother, frustration mounting. ‘I don’t understand. I’m her biological sister, yet she treats me with such coldness, never a kind glance, while she showers her with affection. Is a cousin truly more beloved than a sister?’

She is his most cherished one.

No one else stands a chance in comparison!

Jing Xiu, holding back her own feelings of sadness, gently coaxed the third young lady, ‘Let’s not dwell on such childish talk. They’ve come for us, so we should prepare to head back.’

Momo Ju also chimed in with a comforting smile, ‘Third Miss, there’s no need for anger. You are treasured by your parents, brothers, and sisters-in-law, as precious to them as the apple of their eye. Why let an outsider upset you? Return with the Second Lady for now, and once we’re back in the city, if you long for the Princess, you can always stay at her estate for some time.’

Liang Jin was already outside, awaiting their departure. Upon seeing Jingshu and the third young lady emerge, he respectfully bowed and announced, ‘Madam, Third Miss, I have been instructed by the Young Master to escort you both back to the estate.’

The third young lady, visibly upset, averted her gaze and remained silent.

Jing Xiu acknowledged him, ‘We appreciate your diligence, Mr. Liang. We’ll gather our things and then accompany you back.’

Liang Jin, respectfully avoiding Jing Xiu’s gaze, replied with a lowered head, ‘I shall wait beyond the garden for both Madam and the Third Miss.’

With a nod, Jingshu led the third young lady away from Yason Residence, making their way back to their own quarters.”

As evening fell, they arrived back at the Duke of Zhen’s residence. Jing Xiu had her servants ensure the third young lady was safely returned to Lanyaxuan before she and Ziyun made their way to Qingfengyuan.

Dan Zhu and Bi Lü were overjoyed at their return, eagerly assisting their mistress with her washing and dressing, all the while chatting incessantly.

Ziyun, ever observant, could see past Jingshu’s usual banter with the maids; a certain gravity lingered in her gaze. She inquired, ‘Has the Young Master not yet returned to the residence?’

Dan Zhu responded, ‘No, he has not. The Young Master has been arriving late for the past couple of days.’

Bi Lü chimed in, ‘Indeed, the Young Master seems to have been in a somber mood lately, always appearing quite serious.’

Li Ling, a man not known for his humor and often sporting a stern expression, was deeply thoughtful and rarely revealed his emotions.

Recently, even Bi Lü, who was typically innocent and naive, noticed that Li Ling had been in a troubled state. His concern for Qingluan was evident in his demeanor.

‘Without the young lady’s presence, how can the Young Master be at ease?’ Dan Zhu, who was helping Jingshu change her clothes, added.

Jing Xiu responded indifferently, ‘You both may leave; I’m tired and need to rest now.’

Acknowledging her command, the two maids departed. Ziyun, who was attending to Jingshu, started to remove the beaded flowers and jewelry from her hair. As she saw a hint of sorrow on the beautiful face reflected in the mirror, resembling a delicate flower, she gently advised, ‘Miss, don’t let anger consume you. If it harms your health, you’ll be the one who suffers.’

Although only a year younger, Ziyun and Jing Xiu practically grew up together. Despite their master-servant dynamic, they share a deep bond as confidantes.

No one understands Jing Xiu’s heart better than Ziyun. When Ziyun spoke up, Jingshu anticipated advice to be patient with Li Ling. However, Ziyun’s words surprised her.

Even Ziyun could see things clearly. As the proverb goes, “One cannot see the true face of Mount Lu because one is in the mountain.” This perfectly described Jingshu’s situation.

Despite her intelligence, Ziyun’s pointed words offered a sudden flash of clarity.

Jing Xiu’s resolve hardened. If he couldn’t be trusted completely, why waste emotional energy on him? With newfound determination, she lifted her hand to remove the beaded flowers from her temples. “I’ll handle it myself,” she declared. “Tell the kitchen to prepare some delicious dishes. I want to eat and then rest.”

Ziyun, a relieved smile gracing her lips, happily agreed before heading to the kitchen.

Alone in front of the mirror, Jingshu studied her reflection intently. Though Li Ling’s behavior in their past life remained perplexing – cold outwardly, yet passionate behind closed doors – his current eagerness for intimacy seemed clear. She concluded, with a hint of bitterness, that it was all because of her physical beauty.

“It’s all because of this beautiful shell,” Jingshu thought bitterly. “Well then!”

Since she was his wife, bound to him for life, her hopes of winning his heart had evaporated. As long as he treated her with respect and accorded her the honor due to her position, she would fulfill her wifely duties. But happiness? She would forge her own path.

Jing Xiu’s new resolve settled over her. She would be the respected wife of the heir in the Duke of Zhen’s residence, a high lady whom others admired.

Jingshu @ Li Ling: If you don’t care about me, why should I care about you?

Third Young Lady @ Li Ling: I don’t care either.

Qingluan: Cousin, I care about you.

(End of chapter)

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