Rebirth as the Matriarch of a Noble Family Chapter 35: Asking her to accompany his beloved to relieve boredom?

Upon returning home, Li Ling found the room empty. He then returned to the courtyard and asked the old woman sweeping the corridor, “Where is the lady?”

The old woman respectfully replied, “The lady and Ziyun are currently making snacks in the small kitchen.”

Li Ling went back to the room, removed his official uniform, and changed into his casual clothes.

Despite being tired from the day’s work, his heart was filled with joy.

Recently, his young wife seemed to have been preoccupied with the matters in the garden, treating him with perfunctory impatience. However, today she personally made snacks for him.

He appreciated her gentle demeanor towards him. A smile curved Li Ling’s lips as he poured himself a cup of tea to enjoy.

After a while, he saw his young wife return. The maid following behind her was indeed carrying a small bamboo basket specifically used for holding snacks.

Li Ling felt a surge of happiness in his heart, but he didn’t show it on his face. He asked knowingly, “I didn’t see you when you came back. Where did you go?”

Jing Shu glanced at him and replied, “I went to the small kitchen to make some snacks.” As she spoke, she turned her head and instructed Ziyun, “First, let the snacks cool on the table for a while. Otherwise, the taste will be compromised if they are directly packed into the box.”

Ziyun agreed and placed the small bamboo basket filled with snacks on the table. Seeing Li Ling staring at the snacks, Ziyun smiled and said, “These are all made by the lady herself. Why don’t you try one, my lord?” As she spoke, she picked up a piece and handed it to Li Ling.

The snack resembled a lotus flower, with layers of flaky pastry as thin as paper, each layer enveloping red bean paste. It looked extremely exquisite and, as it had just come out of the pot, it was still emitting a strong milky fragrance.

Li Ling took it and casually asked, “What is this called?”

Ziyun smiled and replied, “This snack, the lady refers to it as ‘Lotus Pastry’.”

Just as Li Ling was about to taste it, Jing Shu, who had come from the inner room, swiftly snatched it away.

“This is intended to be given to my mother.”

Her actions were swift, her powdered face showed a hint of anger, and her tone was reproachful.

Li Ling was taken aback.

Ziyun quickly tried to mediate, “My lord, seeing that the lady’s snacks are so delicately made, you wanted to taste one. Lady, there are still plenty here, enough to send to the princess tomorrow.”

Jing Shu also realized her own overreaction, she explained, “My lord does not favor sweet food, this snack contains honey.”

Li Ling smiled and said, “No harm done, I’m not entirely averse to sweets.”

He looked up at Jing Shu, then glanced at the snack she had taken away.

However, Jing Shu returned the snack to the bamboo basket, and ignoring him, she instructed Ziyun, “Go see if Dan Zhu and the others have brought the snack boxes? I think they’ve cooled down enough now, let’s pack them.”

Ziyun, sincerely apprehensive, glanced at Li Ling’s expression and stammered, “I’ll go hurry them right away.”

In a short while, a few maids brought the snack boxes, and Jing Shu carefully packed them one by one.

In total, she packed five boxes.

She made five boxes of snacks, but she didn’t spare a single piece for him to taste.

Li Ling’s heart felt heavy, but when he saw his young wife’s tense face, he felt somewhat reluctant to be upset with her.

Despite her youth, he, as a mature man, should refrain from losing his temper over minor issues with a young woman.

Li Ling rose and walked over to the bed. Upon noticing a pile of account books, he casually leafed through them, inquiring, “I understand that grandmother has entrusted you with the household management.”

While meticulously packing a box of pastries, Jing Shu nodded in confirmation, maintaining her composure.

Approaching her, Li Ling smiled and stated, “Being in charge of the household essentially makes you the lady of this mansion.”

Jing Shu glanced up and expressed her concern, “I fear my limited abilities may hinder my performance.”

Her modest remark was merely polite conversation, but Li Ling interpreted it as an invitation to offer advice.

He reassured her, “You’ve only been in the mansion for a short period and you’re still young. Don’t feel overwhelmed. If you make mistakes, grandmother won’t hold it against you.”

“Moreover, aren’t Uncle Xiang and Uncle Fu available? When the second aunt was in charge, she didn’t micromanage everything. The two stewards handled all matters before reporting to her. You don’t need to shoulder everything yourself.”

“Uncle Xiang primarily oversees external matters, such as the estates and shops, while Uncle Fu manages the mansion’s internal affairs. If there’s something you don’t understand, feel free to ask them directly. If you’re concerned about asserting authority due to your youth, or if anyone dares to defy you, let me know. I’ll assist you, and also…”

Jing Shu, engrossed in packing the pastry box, offered Li Ling a subtle smile and interrupted him, “I appreciate your guidance, my lord.”

Caught off guard by her interruption, a disappointed Li Ling fell silent and lowered his gaze to observe her.

Jing Shu glanced up and queried, “Why does my lord regard me in such a manner?”

Li Ling held her hand and gazed at her, questioning, “Why do you address me so again?”

Jing Shu responded, “I’ve grown accustomed to it; I can’t alter it immediately.”

Li Ling’s eyes darkened, and he spoke in a subdued tone, “Are you still upset with me over the incident that day?”

Jing Shu inquired, “To what incident is my lord referring? I’m at a loss.”

Li Ling, aware she was feigning confusion, grasped her hand and hastily clarified, “That day was truly an emergency, I…”

What was so urgent? Is he a miracle healer? Can his hurried presence save lives?

Just as in her previous life, when Qingluan was coerced into marriage, he disregarded everything for her.

She is his Achilles’ heel.

He simply cares too deeply for her! In her previous life, Jing Shu was perpetually vexed by this issue and couldn’t reconcile it. Now, she has moved on, and if he harbors affection for other women, so be it.

Since she married him, she must assert her position in this mansion and excel as the mistress.

If she can’t obtain the love she desires, she will nonetheless fight relentlessly to defend her status.

“I assured you long ago, I didn’t take offense to what transpired that day. My lord, you’re overthinking,” Jing Shu stated.

Li Ling murmured, “I’ve noticed a change in your demeanor towards me recently.”

Jing Shu seated herself at the table, retrieved an account book, and nonchalantly remarked, “There have been numerous matters recently, first with grandmother falling ill, and now I must learn to manage the household.” As she spoke, she gestured towards the pile of account books before her, resembling a small mountain, and continued, “Observe, these accounts alone will occupy me for several days.”

Li Ling stood next to Jing Shu, casually patted those account books, and said, “You can take your time to look at these things when you’re free, there’s no rush.”

“A few days ago, I sent a card to the palace wanting grandmother to go to the palace to see Qingluan. This morning, the palace sent someone to reply, saying that two women from the mansion can go tomorrow.”

Hearing Li Ling’s words, Jing Shu’s gaze moved from the account book to his face.

Li Ling looked at Jing Shu and said, “I’m thinking, you should accompany grandmother the day after tomorrow.”

“Do you think I’m suitable?” Jing Shu asked him without expression upon hearing his words.

Li Ling replied, “What’s not suitable about it? According to the rules, a wife without an imperial decree is not allowed to enter the palace, but since the palace has granted permission, you should go with grandmother.”

He looked at Jing Shu and said with a smile, “You haven’t been to the palace yet, it would be good to go and see. There are many interesting things in the palace. Let Qingluan accompany you and grandmother to stroll around, she’s also bored in the palace alone.”

Let her accompany his beloved to relieve boredom? How did he come up with that!

“I won’t go!” Jing Shu replied.

There was no emotion in her tone, but Li Ling clearly felt her displeasure.

“Why?” He blurted out.

“I don’t like to go.” After saying that, she lowered her head and continued to look at the account book.

(End of the chapter)

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