The Empress is Always Unambitious Chapter 4: Reward

A lavish spread of food was laid out on a large table. Shen Chuliu’s eyes scanned the dishes, and to her delight, she found her favorites among them. It was no surprise, given the sheer variety of the dozens of dishes presented.

She ate without any pretense of following etiquette, yet she didn’t completely abandon restraint. Her manner of eating was both generous and elegant.

After the meal, she was escorted to wash up. The Tai Chi Hall housed a designated area for the concubines to freshen up, with maids attending to their needs. Despite her low status, the maids dared not disrespect Shen Chuliu, who hailed from a renowned family.

Meanwhile, Qi Yixiu was busy approving some documents. Once Shen Chuliu had finished washing, she was led to the sleeping quarters and seated on the dragon bed. Dressed in a loose beige garment akin to a nightgown, she waited.

After a while, boredom set in, and she reclined on the dragon couch, closing her eyes to rest. She wasn’t feigning relaxation; she was genuinely resting.

The sound of movement at the door prompted her to sit up and rise: “The emperor.”

“Hmm, is the concubine tired?” Qi Yixiu inquired.

“Reply to the emperor, no, I was merely resting while waiting for you. I am here to serve you,” Shen Chuliu responded.

Qi Yixiu had just bathed, and there was no immediate need for her service. On the bed, he admired Shen Chuliu’s beautiful hair, praising her for maintaining it so well. He then drew her close by her waist.

The night passed in silence, filled with unspoken passion.

Come morning, Qi Yixiu, who was preparing for court, woke to find Shen Chuliu sleeping peacefully beside him.

Reflecting on the previous night, Qi Yixiu couldn’t help but smile. The Shen family’s girls were delicate and charming in their own unique ways, especially in intimate moments. He found this rather endearing.

“Emperor,” Shen Chuliu greeted, opening her eyes to find Qi Yixiu already dressing. Four palace ladies attended to him, despite the early hour and the darkness outside.

“Awake? I’m heading to court. If you’re still tired, beloved concubine, feel free to rest more,” Qi Yixiu suggested.

Shen Chuliu scoffed inwardly. If he truly cared for her well-being, he wouldn’t have sounded so insincere.

“The concubine should also pay respects to the queen mother. The Tai Chi Hall is quite close today,” Shen Chuliu replied, rising from the bed.

Qi Yixiu nodded in approval. “Hmm, very sensible.”

As Qi Yixiu departed, Shen Chuliu respectfully saw him off. Once he was gone, Zi Rui entered to serve her. She remained mostly silent, aware that they were no longer in Cui Yun Xuan.

Dressed in a light purple gown and with her hair neatly combed, Shen Chuliu noted the brightening day. It was a bit early for greetings, but considering the distance, it was about time to leave. She suspected she would be the first to arrive.

Upon leaving the Tai Chi Hall, Zi Rui seemed to regain her voice. “The fourth uncle ordered someone to deliver rewards to our quarters,” she informed Shen Chuliu.

Rewards after serving in bed were customary for newcomers, but Shen Chuliu was no newcomer. Did the emperor think she had served him well?

Tsk, this was bound to stir resentment.

“Hmm,” Shen Chuliu responded faintly before heading to the Phoenix Palace of the Queen Mother.

Upon reaching the entrance of the Phoenix Palace, she found herself to be the first to arrive. As she was ushered in, she realized she was the only one in the entire hall.

Shen Chuliu murmured to herself, “I’ll have to rise countless times later.” She was acutely aware that everyone else held a higher status than her.

As expected, the others began to arrive one after another, and Shen Chuliu found herself rising to greet them several times.

“Oh, isn’t this Shen Baolin? You’re quite early. Such good manners,” Li Jieyu remarked with a smile, glancing at Cao Meiren who had just entered. “I recall when Cao Meiren served the bed, she would either fail to show up or arrive last.”

After paying her respects and taking her seat, Cao Meiren retorted, “Shen Baolin hails from a distinguished family, so naturally, she has good manners. I can’t compare, but perhaps Sister Li can.”

It was clear that these two were adversaries, with Cao Meiren making sarcastic remarks about Li Jieyu’s humble origins.

“What are you sisters discussing?” Feng Shufei and Yi Fei entered one after the other.

They weren’t late today.

“Shufei and Yifei have arrived. I was just discussing with Sister Li Jieyu about the advantages of a good birth and proper manners,” Cao Meiren explained.

Li Jieyu smiled, “I was born into poverty, but now we are all concubines of the emperor. Does birth still make a difference?”

Yi Fei chimed in with a smile, “In Cao Meiren’s eyes, there is naturally a difference. Those of us born into poverty can’t possibly measure up.”

Cao Meiren was taken aback. She had been focused on Li Jieyu and hadn’t considered Yi Fei, whose family was merely a minor sixth-rank official and had even committed a crime…

“Yi Fei…”

“Alright, it’s not a big deal,” Yi Fei said with a smile, turning to Shen Chuliu. “Shen Baolin, what do you think?”

Caught off guard, Shen Chuliu stood up. “Did Concubine Yi call me? I was distracted and didn’t pay attention… My apologies.”

Yi Fei tsked lightly, her words carrying a hidden meaning. “Indeed, there are no simple individuals in this harem. I always thought Shen Baolin lacked competitiveness. Now I see, she just conceals it well.”

Shen Chuliu responded with a smile. “The concubine is correct. Once we enter the palace, don’t we all seek the emperor’s favor? I lack talent and skills. It’s my fortune that the emperor is willing to favor me.”

Feng Shufei chimed in with a smile. “This Shen Baolin is also sharp-tongued. The palace suits her well.”

At this point, He Xiuyi and Song Xiurong arrived, adding to the lively atmosphere. He Xiuyi, known for her chattiness, was bound to comment on Shen Chuliu’s recent turn to serve the emperor.

As expected, she remarked, “Shen Baolin looks refreshed today. Those who serve the emperor are indeed different. Cao Meiren is already pregnant. When will you show some progress?”

Shen Chuliu thought to herself, ‘You’re so idle, one day you’ll trip over your own words.’

“Where do I have the good fortune of Cao Meiren and He Xiuyi? It’s a blessing to see the emperor,” Shen Chuliu replied, feigning shyness.

At this moment, the queen made her appearance. Her icy demeanor, unchanged for years, was beautiful yet intimidating.

“The Empress Dowager’s birthday is approaching. How are your preparations?” The queen asked, cutting straight to the point.

Generally, when one mentions the Empress Dowager, it refers to Li Empress Dowager, the emperor’s birth mother, and the former virtuous concubine.

But when you refer to her as Empress Dowager Feng, you’re speaking of the Empress Dowager of the Cui Rui Palace, the emperor’s birth mother, and the former queen.

However, the courtiers also refer to Empress Dowager Li as Empress Dowager Ci An, as she resides in the Ci An Palace. Similarly, they call Empress Dowager Feng as Empress Dowager Ci Rui, due to her residence in the Ci Rui Palace.

Everyone affirmed their readiness.

Feng Shufei laughed and said, “The banquet in the Ci An Palace will be quite lively. I’ve heard that my aunt has also prepared a gift.”

“The harmony between the two Empress Dowagers is indeed our blessing,” Yi Fei remarked with a smile.

Everyone echoed this sentiment.

Shen Chuliu observed Feng Shufei, musing to herself that despite her high position, she lacked favor. She suspected it had something to do with her aunt.

After paying their respects, they each departed from the Feng Zao Palace.

Someone extended an invitation to Shen Chuliu, but she excused herself, citing that she hadn’t eaten breakfast, and returned to her quarters.

Indeed, she hadn’t eaten, as the emperor hadn’t offered her any food.

Upon returning to her own Cui Yun Xuan, she ate her delayed breakfast and noticed that the emperor had gifted her a pair of exquisite glass earrings.

They were quite beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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