Rebirth as the Matriarch of a Noble Family

Author: Que Nanzhi


The young master of the Duke of Zhen’s manor, Li Ling, was talented, brave, and an outstanding man. However, his delicate wife Lady Shen felt stifled living with him. Five years into their marriage, she was completely compliant with him, yet he showed her not an ounce of warmth.

If it was simply due to his cold temperament, she could accept it. But when the Xiongnu invaded and the Ninth Princess was forced into a marriage alliance, Li Ling actually “flew into a rage” and requested to lead troops for the sake of his cousin the princess.

She finally understood the reason he treated her so coldly. She was so angry she didn’t want to stay married to him anymore. The divorce papers were already drafted, just waiting for Li Ling’s return to sign them.

Little did she expect that upon waking up one day, she found herself back at the time of her new marriage to Li Ling…

Li Ling married an obedient young wife who doted on him. Over a month into their marriage, she served him extremely well.

However, these past few days, Li Ling noticed his new wife acting strange. In the mornings, she no longer helped him dress. At mealtimes, she didn’t plate his dishes or pour his soup for him. At night, as soon as he approached her, she turned away.

The formidable and aloof Li Ling could no longer stand it. He leaned in and asked, “Wife, are you feeling unwell?”

She just gave him a cold look.

Li Ling scratched his head. “Having just arrived at the manor, are you still not quite accustomed, wife?”

Again, she remained silent with her head down.

Li Ling’s curiosity was piqued, so he could only closely observe her every move, hoping to discern what was on her mind.

One day at a polo match, he saw her cover her face and smile at a certain man on the field. Another day, he noticed her resting her chin in her palm, idly reading poems by a certain scholar. And at a palace banquet, he even saw the crown prince give her a slight smile…

Li Ling’s heart grew more unsettled with each passing day.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: She Wants a Divorce

Chapter 2: Back to the Beginning of Marriage

Chapter 3: Teasing Zhao Yuanner

Chapter 4: Li Ling’s Different Treatment

Chapter 5: Disagreements Between Husband and Wife

Chapter 6: Men Shouldn’t Be Indulged

Chapter 7: Separation

Chapter 8: She Won’t Suffer Anymore

Chapter 9: Did Li Ling originally marry her out of desperation?

Chapter 10: Personally Came to Pick Up His Wife

Chapter 11: Newlywed Bliss

Chapter 12: Finally, Someone Who Can Tame Him

Chapter 13: Radiance, Brightness

Chapter 14: Propriety and Principles Cannot Be Abandoned

Chapter 15: Could It Be That Their Time Together Was Short?

Chapter 16: If You Have Difficulties, You Can Tell Me

Chapter 17: He Likes Being Pampered by Her

Chapter 18 Could it be that she has feelings for him again?

Chapter 19: He said she was like a little hedgehog

Chapter 20: Like Lacquer and Glue (Newlyweds are as inseparable as lacquer and glue)

Chapter 21: I’ll Catch a Fish for You

Chapter 22: We Complement Each Other

Chapter 23: He Left Her Again for That Woman

Chapter 24: From Now On, She Must Only Rely on Herself

Chapter 25: The Ninth Princess is in Danger, How Can He Not Be Anxious

Chapter 26: She Aspires to Become a High-ranking Daughter-in-law Admired by All

Chapter 27: Just Be True to Ourselves

Chapter 28: Concern Leads to Chaos

Chapter 29: Chasing Away the Old Lady’s Sadness

Chapter 30: This Strategy Targets the Duke of Zhen’s Residence

Chapter 31: Overnight Wealth

Chapter 32: From now on, any rewards will belong to you

Chapter 33: The foundation of the world lies in the country, the foundation of the country lies in the family, and the foundation of the family lies in the individual

Chapter 34: Proceed with Greater Caution and Prudence

Chapter 35: Asking her to accompany his beloved to relieve boredom?

Chapter 36: We are husband and wife, we should be united

Chapter 37: Avoiding Hypocrisy with Those She Dislikes

Chapter 38: Don’t Hold Me Back